There is a lot of discussion nowadays on “Superfruits”. Is there such a thing as a “Superfruit”, and if there is, what constitutes one? It is claimed “Superfruits” are better for you than “ordinary” fruit and vegetables. They are claimed to make you smarter, slow down aging and/or help prevent diseases such as cancer and […]
Archive | 2009
Noni Juice and Pets
Taking a daily dose of Noni Juice is as beneficial to pets as it is to humans. Adding Noni Juice to the food of dogs, cats and other animals has been shown to strengthen an animals immune system.As pets age, they experience the same kinds of health problems as humans. These can range from the […]
Sleep and Good Health
Historically, sleep was thought to be a passive state. However, sleep is now known to be a dynamic process, and our brains are active during sleep. Sleep affects our physical and mental health, and is essential for the normal functioning of all the systems of our body, including the immune system. The effect of sleep […]
Let The Sun Shine In
Research has shown that a little more sunshine in our lives may make us live longer. Johan Moan, a researcher at the Institute for Cancer Research in Oslo, Norway, led a study which has concluded that the benefits from sun exposure outweigh the risks of skin cancer. “What we find is that modest sun exposure […]