There are three levels of burns, two of which can usually be handled in your home.
First degree burns involve only the outermost layer of your skin, called your epidermis. Sunburn and scalding from hot water or steam are a couple of examples of first degree burns.
Your skin will likely be reddened and painful. It can also be swollen. In general, if a first-degree burn does not cover a significant portion of your body, it can be treated at home. A first-degree burn, painful though it is, is the least serious type of burn that you can suffer.
Second degree burns are more painful and produce blistering or loss of some outer skin, while perhaps affecting underlying skin. A second-degree burn is one in which the second layer of your skin, called your hypodermis, is also burned. In this type of burn, your skin will be extremely red with a spotted or blotchy appearance, and you will probably have blisters in the area of the burn.
A second-degree burn typically causes severe pain and swelling. If you suffer a small and localized second-degree burn – no more than a few inches in diameter – you might be able to treat it effectively at home. If the burned region is larger than this, or has occurred on your face, hands, feet, groin, buttocks, or a major joint, it is best to go to your doctor or local hospital for professional care.
Third-degree burns involve all layers of your skin, and possibly structures that are below your skin as well. Some areas of a third-degree burn are often charred black. You may experience severe pain, but if a nerve has been damaged by the burn, it is possible that you will feel little to no pain. All third-degree burns require immediate emergency medical care. Third degree burns are the worst, going deep and possibly destroying muscle tissue. In the event of a third degree burn, you should call an ambulance or go straight to a hospital.
The following first aid tips can apply to first and second degree burns before getting medical attention. These tips are not recommended for third degree burns.
The treatment of first and second degree burns:
The first step that you should take to treat a minor burn is to hold it under cold, running water for 10 to 15 minutes. The constant flow keeps the water from warming up and literally moves the heat away.
If cold, running water is not available, immerse the burn in cold water or cover it with cold compresses. If practical, soaking the burn in water with a few ice cubes provides immediate relief. Use the ice to keep the water really cold for as long as possible, until the pain subsides. Never put ice directly against the burn – direct contact with ice can cause more damage to the burn area.
Noni Juice and Burns:
Noni Juice applied topically (directly onto the skin) will give relief from a burn, hasten the healing process and assist in cell regeneration. In addition, Noni Juice has analgesic properties, so it provides pain relief, and it also has antimicrobial properties to help in the fight against infection.
Experiments have been done on burns where part of the affected area has had Noni applied and part has not. The area of the burn treated with Noni has not blistered and has healed faster than the area not treated with Noni Juice.
For maximum results, soak a gauze dressing or compress large enough to cover the burn with Noni and tape to the affected area. This can then be covered with a dry dressing if required to protect clothes. Frequently replenish the compress with Noni Juice to keep it damp – that way the Noni keeps working.
In the Pacific Islands, traditional healers have used the whole Noni plant for centuries to treat all manner of ills and ailments. The juice from the Noni is their first tool as a burn treatment.
Noni is a good source of Vitamin C and other antioxidants, so in addition to being applied topically, Noni Juice should also be taken orally to boost and support the immune system, and thus repair the burn area all the faster from both the ‘inside’ and the ‘outside’.
In addition, Noni applied topically can also assist in the treatment of bites, stings and herpes.
This is so true about the Noni for burns as I’ve seen family members use it straight from the tree and directly applied onto the burn. They use the over-ripe fruit, grated or mashed covered with a gauze/dressing and next day, the wound is almost gone and second day it’s completely gone. Even grazes caused from motorcycle accident or just any falls. Applied the same way mentioned and next day, what do you know?, almost gone. These are experiences I’ve witnessed in the Cook Islands when I visit home. (Aitutaki).