How to Choose the Best Noni Juice for You

The Informed Consumer:

Whether you want add a complementary supplement to your diet or take Noni to alleviate the effects of chronic disease, how do you know which Noni will work best for you? The following information will assist in making informed and intelligent decisions about the Noni juice you buy and take the mystery out of the different processes and terms used in the production and manufacture of Noni juice and associated products.

Pure Juice v Reconstituted:

Pure Juice – in a professional and legitimate Noni operation, the Noni fruit is harvested, graded, washed, and then graded again to eliminate any second grade fruit. The fruit is then stored in drums, allowing the natural seeping of juice to take place, in the time-honoured traditional way. This process takes between 10 to 60 days, with the juice being constantly monitored for various indicators to show when it is ready to pass on to the next process. When the juice is judged to be at the correct stage, the fruit is pressed and the last of the juice extracted.

The juice is then pumped into storage vats where natural fermentation occurs. The juice is stored in vats for 1 to 2 months, again being constantly monitored. At completion, the juice is pasteurised for consumer protection to eliminate any bacteria.

Reconstituted Juice – juice can be reconstituted from either Noni concentrate of Noni powder. Where the juice is concentrated it is evaporated using high temperatures. This process inhibits bacterial growth, but most experts agree that during this process many of the vitamins and minerals that together give Noni juice its healing properties are also destroyed or diminished during the heat process. Noni concentrate is subsequently reconstituted with water.

Noni powder is manufactured by either air drying or oven drying Noni fruit. The powder is then milled into different microns (particle sizes) depending on customer specifications. At this stage, Noni powder can be encapsulated to make Noni capsules, added to other fruit juices as a blend, or reconstituted with water.

Pure Juice:

Pure juice is by far the superior way to drink Noni. Pure Noni juice should show on the label that it is 100% pure Noni with no additives and no added water. The best quality Noni is that which is Organic Certified by an independent certifier. This will ensure that there are no chemicals or preservatives in the juice. If you are unsure about the origins or processes of a juice, ask the manufacturer or seller.


Commercial Noni juice should be pasteurised in a controlled facility with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) for consumer protection. Unpasteurised juice is potentially unhealthy and dangerous to consume because it may contain harmful living micro-organisms such as E.Coli and Salmonella.


Aged Noni juice should have a smooth, slightly acidic flavour. Although Noni juice is usually bought for its health benefits not for its flavour, most people acquire a taste for it after the initial “getting acquainted” period.

Juice Colour:

Juice colour is closely linked to flavour and other quality parameters. The majority of juice sold is ‘aged’ or fermented juice. ‘Fresh’ juice is a lighter, yellowish colour and has more objectionable flavours than darker, older, well-aged juice. The vast majority of people think the best tasting juice is amber to reddish in colour.

Blended and Flavoured Juice:

In order to make Noni a more palatable drink, Noni juice is often added to other fruit juices and sold as blended or flavoured Noni. Whilst this can improve the flavour of Noni, the consumer is often paying a high price for the added fruit juice that is readily and cheaply available at supermarkets and health shops.

TThere is also the risk of purchasing Noni juice so diluted that the desired health benefits do not occur. If consumers find that a blended juice is preferable to the palette, they are advised to buy 100% pure Noni juice and experiment with blends and flavours at home. This way, the recommended daily dosage of Noni is guaranteed and the outcome is usually financially beneficial too!


Price is a big issue for many consumers as Noni juice is relatively expensive. The best value on a per volume basis is pure Noni juice because it usually sells for a similar price as Noni mixed with other fruit juices. It is generally also preferably to purchase direct from a manufacturer rather than a MLM (multi level marketer). Many MLM companies reconstitute their Noni with water and flavours in order to afford to pay commission to their distributors.

Bottle Type:

Glass bottles are preferable to plastic bottles for preserving flavour and quality. Both clear or coloured glass bottles preserve the quality of Noni juice. Plastic bottles are permeable and exposure to air can deteriorate the quality of the juice. Although plastic bottles are cheaper for the manufacturer to purchase and also cheaper to freight, the better quality juice is always sold in glass bottles.

Brix rating:

Brix (symbol oBx) is a measurement of the mass ratio of dissolved sucrose to water in a liquid. It is measured with a saccharimeter that measures specific gravity of a liquid, or more easily, with a refractometer.

Brix is used in the food and beverage industry for measuring the approximate amounts of sugars in juices, wines, fruits and vegetables. Quality Noni juice should carry at least a 7.5 – 8.5 Brix level.

This guide is designed to smooth the road and assist in making an informed choice of the type and brand of juice you purchase. If you are uncertain, always ask questions of the seller. Most sellers of Noni are only too pleased to extol the virtues of this miraculous plant and share their knowledge and information with all.